PAMELA Pharmaceutical Industries | |
UNIMED Laboratories |
Menarini was established over a century ago (1886 to be precise) in a small
laboratory of the Farmacia Internazionale (International Pharmacy) of Naples. In
1915 it transferred to Florence, where it still has its head office.
Since 1978 Menarini has established a series of agreements with some
important Italian companies, with the aim of joining energy and resources to
compete better at international level.
The first agreement was with Malesci, then followed those with Guidotti,
Lusofarmaco, Lusochimica and FIRMA. The aim of these agreements has been a
better organization of the strategic areas of Research and Development and of
Internationalization, as well as reachin maximum efficiency in the production
and supply chain.
In 1976, activity in the Diagnostics Division was added to the existing ethical
drug production and in 1994 the OTC Division was started.
Already in the 1960�s Menarini had realised the importance of broadening its horizons beyond its domestic borders. In fact, the establishment of Laboratorios Menarini of Barcelona, Spain dates back to this period.
The 1970�s were characterised by the strengthening of Menarini's position in Italy which was consolidated the following decade by numerous agreements made with other important Italian pharmaceutical companies.
Once Menarini reached the first position in the ranking of Italian pharmaceutical companies in the 1990's, it focussed on its rapid expansion throughout Europe and the world through the acquisition or opening of affiliate companies.
Today the Menarini Group is present:
in all countries of the European Union (except the Scandinavian countries) | |
in Switzerland | |
in the Central and Eastern European countries where it is among the major international pharmaceutical groups, particularly in the Baltic countries, Russia and the other countries of the ex-Soviet Union | |
in Central America where it ranks at the fifth position | |
in the main developing countries such as India (from 1995), Vietnam (from 1994), People's Republic of China and Korea | |
South Africa |
Since 1978, the year in which the possibility of patenting
drugs was introduced into Italian law (which in practical terms means the
possibility of having returns from research investments), Menarini has been able
to formulate a strategic plan for a wide-reaching industrial programme. Thus
began the heavy investments in the Research and Development (R&D) of new
drugs. In 1978 Menarini only had 11 employees in R&D; now they number just
under 800, with an annual investment of about 180 billion Italian Lira (93
million Euro), the equivalent of 11% of the ethical drug turnover. The Research
activity of the Menarini Group centres on a single pole, Menarini
Ricerche, which deals with all R&D activities from the initial stage
of new projects to the registration stage.
The Menarini Group has constantly pursued two strategic objectives: Research
and Internationalisation.
Both are bearing excellent fruit, and will allow the company itself to place the
drugs of its own research at the disposal of patients all over the world.
A deep-rooted history and philosophy of international agreements with other
companies through the licensing of innovative products forms the basis of these
two strategic objectives. This has been fundamental both for the implementation
of Menarini�s own strategies and for the sharing of a huge body of
international scientific culture.
Today, indeed, the Menarini Group has many licensing partners for the European
market and an excellent reputation as an effective and efficient partner, both
in the development of new products and in the realm of scientific information
Today the Menarini Group is the first Italian pharmaceutical group in the
The Menarini Group has now long been the top Pharmaceutical Group in Italy and
has taken important positions on the European and pharmaceutical market.
Ist in Italy |
19th in Europe out of 3.615 companies |
43rd in the world out of 5.904 companies |
PAMELA Pharmaceutical Industries was established in 1982 in natural surroundings in the suburb of Damascus, namely Delba in Syria, in an area of 12,000 square meters. This area is the best specified spot for industries.
PAMELA Pharmaceutical has been established under the shadow of Messrs. Damco, who has a vast experience in their business for over 25 years in the pharmaceutical trade in items like Suppositories, Dry Sprays, Syrup Lines, Capsules, Tablets and Ointments by utilizing the best and modern high technological techniques and machines from Germany.
It analyses raw materials in three laboratories for Microbial, Primary and Chemicals.
PAMELA Pharmaceutical Industries has a wide range of products line which include Cardiovascular Drugs, Digestive Drugs, Physiological and Neurological drugs. Respiratory drugs, Antibiotics and Antirheumatic.
[Is an Arabic Tunisian Pharmaceutical Company Specialized in the manufacturing of Drops in different Pharmaceutical forms such as Eye Drops, Nose Drops etc.
All Pharma Products manufactured by Unimed are authorized by the Tunisian Ministry of Health and the Company follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).